Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Week 4 Assignment, Part 3 - Draft Action Research Project Report

Week 4 Assignment, Part 3
Draft Action Research Project Report
**Disclosure: My original assistant site-supervisor has moved to a new campus and after sharing my findings from my previous topic with my new assistant site-supervisor, she felt it would be best for me to change my direction and explore a new wondering. Therefore, new data collection and analysis will not begin until school starts at the end of the month. **

Improving the Quality of Campus Support for New Teacher Success

How are you implementing the vision (ELCC 1.3)
Improving the Quality of Campus Support for New Teacher Success
Vision: To determine the specific teacher-centered areas new teachers on campus need support and assistance in order to provide a positive and successful teaching and learning experience for both teachers and students./ To provide effective and ongoing mentoring for new and new to campus teachers.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Meet with Ms. Jorgenson to discuss what types of assistance are already in place
Brooke Knight and Pat Jorgenson
August 1-3, 2012
Journal to note key components of current plan and key people to include in research, set up meeting time
Meeting minutes
Meet with Mr. Hatch to determine any other important factors related to support improvement
Brooke Knight and Greg Hatch
August 13 – 17. 2012
Journal to keep notes from interview
Meeting minutes
Interview, current new teacher social liaison, Richard Schmidt
Brooke Knight and Richard Schmidt
August 13 – 17, 2012
Journal to keep notes from interview, set up meeting time
Meeting minutes
Meet with staff members to explain action research project. Explain importance of any information they can share towards the vision.
Brooke Knight, Ramstein Staff, Richard Schmidt, Pat Jorgenson
August 20 – 24, 2012
Meeting time during work week, Short Presentation to introduce project to stakeholders
Completed Survey Evaluations and Data
Survey all returning teachers about their experience as a new teacher to Ramstein. Have teachers rate areas of support they feel are in need of addressing.
Brooke Knight, Pat Jorgenson
August 22 – 30, 2012
Survey Monkey
Completed Survey Evaluations and Data
Survey all new teachers every week to determine their support needs and how they change over the first quarter

Brooke Knight and Pat Jorgenson
August 20 – October 31, 2012
Survey Monkey
Completed Survey Evaluations and Data
Meet with Pat Jorgenson every other week to assess current data and collaborate on other issues related to supporting new teachers
Brooke Knight and Pat Jorgenson
August 20 – October 31, 2012
Journal for note-taking, data from teacher surveys, notes from teacher interviews

Interview new teachers about their experience/ Assess the needs of different types of teachers – CONUS, Local Hire, and Transfer,
Similarities and Differences?
Brooke Knight and the new teachers
August 20 – October 31, 2012
Journal for note-taking, anonymous results from other teachers to assess support  needs
Meeting minutes
Interview returning teachers about their experience
Brooke Knight and the returning teachers
August 20 – October 31, 2012
Journal for note-taking, anonymous results from other teachers to assess support  needs
Meeting minutes
Meet with housing office to determine the best way for new teachers to have a successful move overseas. Options for help with house hunt, bill set up, etc
Brooke Knight and Housing Office Representative
October 29 – November 2, 2012
Journal for note-taking. Results from teachers in regards to their moving experience, set up formal meeting time
Meeting minutes
Meet with PTSO to find out what is in place for welcoming new teachers and introducing new teachers to the community. What can we do to improve
Brooke Knight and PTSO Leadership
September 3 – September 28, 2012
Journal for note-taking, set up formal meeting time
Meeting minutes
Informally meet with CSI team to share data results and findings. Share my recommendations and begin devising implementation process for the 2013 – 2014 school year
Brooke Knight, CSI Leadership Team, and Administration Team
Meeting: November 19 – 2, 2012

Implement Improvement Plan for 2013 – 2014 school year:
January 2013 – August 2014
Data Results from Surveys and Interviews, Power Point or Prezi presentation, Journal for Note-taking and other wonderings and suggestions, “thank you” refreshments
Meeting Minutes
Informally share findings at an RHS staff meeting to let teachers know about findings
Brooke Knight and RHS Staff
December 2012 (based on staff meeting times)
Data Results from Surveys and Interviews, Power Point or Prezi presentation, Journal for Note-taking and other wonderings and suggestions, “thank you” refreshments
Meeting Minutes
Conduct a satisfaction or Conduct a satisfaction or feedback survey to all stakeholders impacted by the action research project. Compare the results of the initial needs assessment and the ending survey in measuring increased student achievement or improvement to the school culture/learning environment.
Brooke Knight and RHS Staff
December 2012
Survey Monkey
Data Analysis of Survey Results

Steward the Vision (ELCC 1.4)
The process used to build a shared commitment to the action research project will include an
introduction and overview of the project before it begins. Every teacher on campus has been a
beginning teacher or a new to campus teacher. They remember the struggles they had and the
advice they wish someone would have shared with them. Because the staff members can
empathize with the teachers who will be join our staff, hopefully, they will feel a sense of duty to
 contribute to the research to improve teacher support. In order to help alleviate the process for
teachers, I will allow plenty of time to set up interview times so that they are able to plan around
their busy schedule. Also, I am using Survey Monkey to collect the majority of my data. Using
an online survey, allows for an easy data collection process. Surveys will be sent out at the
beginning of the week and teachers will have a full week to complete the survey. Surveying staff
members using Survey Monkey allows me to monitor who has not taken the survey. Teachers
who have not taken the survey when the deadline approaches will be sent a friendly reminder
telling them how much time they have left to contribute. Once the data is collected I will use
different programs to analyze the data. From the data, if there are other areas of interest that are
not included on my current action research place, revisions will be made to include the new
Promote community involvement in the vision (ELCC 1.5)
Community plays a very important role in the success of schools. Their interest and support are

key components in creating a positive and unique experience for teachers and students. Their
support can help open doors for both teachers and students, alike.  One of the challenges of being
a new teacher overseas is navigating an unknown country to find housing, set up bills, and
prepare the classroom. One of the ways I would like to help reduce the added stress of these new
teachers tasks is by collaborating with the Housing Office to determine how to better serve new
teachers in their first few months in the Country. Also, parents, specifically, are an important
component of teacher support. I will meet with the parents who are part of the PTSO and
determine how the parents of Ramstein can better support incoming teachers. I would like to
include a time where new teachers are introduced to parents. As I am researching new teacher
support, I will determine if there are other groups within the community who would play a key
role in the process and would have positive effect on the support of incoming teachers.
Manage resources (ELCC 3.3)
My action research project did not require any additional funding. I will be able to use the
school’s computers, paper supply, and online data analysis programs to conduct my research.
The only resources that will be necessary to support my project will teacher time and
participation. In order to manage the time that will be needed to meet with teachers, schedules
will be given ahead of time and interviews with teachers and community members will be
booked in advance at their discretion. I will stragically plan informational meetings to coincide
with staff meetings so teachers are not required to attend another meeting outside of their official
duties. Technology skills will be applied to present information to the Administration, CSI
Leadership Team, and RHS Staff. The presentation will be formatted on Power Point or Prezi
and it will include graphical analysis addressing the support needs of new teachers.
Mobilize community resources (ELCC 4.3)
Based on what I find out from the Housing Office and PTSO about how they can help to improve
the support process of incoming teachers, I will determine the best way to use these services to
support the action research. Another possible research that may be available for vision support is
the School Liaison Officer. Their primary duties focus on incoming students but they may have
information that may be beneficial in supporting an improved New Teacher Program.
Promote positive school culture (ELCC 2.1).
Teacher support is an important part of a positive school culture. Teacher attitude and success
has a direct effect on the attitude and success of students. By determining how to improve the
support new teachers are given, new teachers are shown that the campus cares about their well-
being and will do whatever needs to be done to help them to be successful and in turn that they
care about the success of the students. Also, the action research shows the importance of on-
going research. While there is a current plan for supporting teachers, the needs of teachers have
changed and need to be improved. Showing stakeholders the importance of evaluating the
programs on campus leads to the initiation of change for success for all involved.
Provide an effective instructional program (ELCC 2.2)
Results and Conclusions
(This will be updated after research program is concluded)
Comparison of Data Analysis

Initial Needs Assessment

Ending Survey – Improvement of School Support for Teachers

Conclusions and Recommendations for Modifications of Changes in School: (This will be updated after research program is concluded)

Influencing the larger context (ELCC 6.3)
I plan on sharing my Action Research results informally with the Administration and CSI Team. 

During a CSI Team meeting, I will give an oral presentation over my findings and suggestions. I

will media such as Prezi or Power Point to share my information with the leadership team. I plan

on including key statements from teachers on campus, as well as, survey results in the form of

graphs and tables to help convey my findings. When the information is shared with the teachers,

I will share the information informally, much like it was shared with the leadership team. I will

include the graphs and tables to show the staff the results that they contributed and share

evidence from other researched sources related to the staff’s contributions. The Prezi or Power

Point presentation will be used to help the leadership team and teachers to grasp and hold on to

the main points presented. In order to share my results with other schools, I will share my blog

with the current Administration as I believe they will assist in advocating my recommendations

to other administrators’ in the DoDEA Community. I will suggest sending my blog link to the

other DoDEA Administrative members’ email addresses. When I send the link to my

administrators, I will include an overview that addresses the basics of my research and my

findings to draw in the reader. I am choosing to use my blog link as a mode of communication in

order to allow for feedback and questions that can lead to continued improvement.
Design a comprehensive professional growth plan (ELCC 2.4)
Based on the results and recommendations at the conclusion of my action research project,
professional growth strategies will be implemented to help the faculty improve new teacher
support. While I have not finished with my research one possible strategy may be implementing
a committee that serves as a mentoring team for new teachers. With the selection of the team
members, professional development would be included to help the mentoring teachers learn the
best ways they can serve the new teachers so that they have a successful transition to our school.
 Key Words, Phrases or Terms describing your Action Research Project
new teacher support, teacher support, support for new teachers, new teachers, support system, new teacher support system, new campus teacher, campus support, new teacher support program, new teacher resources, tools and tips for new teachers, needs of teachers new to campus, new teacher training, new teacher mentor, support system for new teacher, instructional needs of new teachers, instructional needs of new campus teachers, new teacher support needs, assisting new teachers, assisting new to campus teachers, improving new teacher support

Sunday, August 5, 2012

EDLD 5397 - Week 3- Draft Action Research Project Progress

**Disclosure: My original assistant site-supervisor has moved to a new campus and after sharing my findings from my previous topic with my new assistant site-supervisor, she felt it would be best for me to change my direction and explore a new wondering. Therefore, new data collection and analysis will not begin until school starts at the end of the month. **
Improving the Quality of Campus Support for New Teacher Success

Needs Assessment
            Over the last year, I have heard multiple teachers complain about the lack of support they
received when joining our campus as a new teacher. While many teachers who come into the
DoDDS – Europe system are not first-year teachers, the majority are new to the system. Some
of the new teachers are military spouses who are stationed overseas and some are teachers from
The States that wanted an overseas experience. Regardless of their path, being a teacher in a
foreign country can create added challenges for teachers. While our campus is small and the
turnover rate is largely due to military members transferring to other locations, statistics have
shown the attrition rate for teachers across the nation continues to increase. Improving the
support of new teachers on our campus is needed to continue emulating a positive campus
culture and supporting student success.
** Data Collection – will be inserted based on campus teacher survey – week of 08/22/2012
Vision and Objectives
            The vision of my action research project is to determine the specific teacher-centered
areas new teachers on campus need Administration to provide support and assistance in order to
increase teaching and learning for teachers. Increasing teacher learning is important as it has a
direct effect on the overall success of our students.  From the data that is collected through
teacher surveys, interviews, and based on prior research related to campus support for teachers, I
plan will use my findings to implement an improved campus support program that increases
morale, teacher and student success, and allows teachers to have a smooth transitional
Review of the Literature and Action Research Strategy
            Studies related to the use of support systems for new teachers show improvements in
teacher retention rates by enhancing new teacher satisfaction. Nearly one third of new teachers
quit during their first three years on the job (Stansbury & Zimmerman, 2009). While many of the
studies related to support systems focus on induction groups for beginning teachers, districts and
schools recognize the need to also offer some degree of support for teachers who, while not new
to the classroom per se, are new to the school, the district, or the state (Stansbury & Zimmerman,
2009). Due to the fact that teachers have expressed frustration with the current support program,
my Assistant Site-Supervisor and I felt it would be beneficial to look into the possible
improvements that can be made to better support our new teacher population. Other key players
include the Continuing School Improvement Leadership Committee and the other Administrators
on campus. It was decided that we will begin the research by focusing on the areas of concern 
related to returning teacher experiences and the experience of teachers new on campus this year.
Once the data is analyzed it will be shared with the leadership team and a plan will be devised to
continue to improve the quality of support offered to new teachers. As with any program, the
first year or so of a beginning teacher support effort is likely to be bumpy; success requires a
commitment to learn from mistakes and to identify necessary changes in resources, policies, and  
practices. The potential payoffs — lower teacher attrition, higher teacher morale, and, most
importantly, improved teaching and learning — make the effort worthwhile (Stansbury &
Zimmerman, 2009).
Articulate the Vision
            The vision will be articulated to teacher by sharing the basis of inquiry with the staff
members at the beginning of the new school year through an informal oral presentation and
email. Then, teachers will be asked to participate in the research by completing staff surveys
related to their experiences as new teachers. They will be asked to share areas in which they
could have used a stronger support system, as well as, they ways they believed that need could
have been fulfilled. Teachers who have been on campus for long periods of time will be asked to
share information about how different their first year on campus would have been if they knew
then what they know now. Teachers who are new to campus for the first time will give
information based on the previous support system and give feedback on areas where they felt
isolated or lost. New teachers will be surveyed once a week during the duration of the 1st
Quarter. This will allow for new teachers to expand on ways they need support over an extended
period of time.  
Manage the organization
            In order to determine the best ways to improve the support system for new teachers, I will
send out surveys, using SurveyMonkey, to returning teachers during the Teacher Work Week
which is the week before students arrive. They will be asked to complete the surveys during the
week but will be given until the end of the first week of school in order to allow for flexibility. I
will meet with the new teachers on campus during the Teacher Work Week and explain the goals
of my research. I will put questionnaires related to teacher support in the mailboxes of new
teachers on the Monday of each new week and they will have until the end of the week to
complete the form in order to give them enough time to complete it where it does not interfere
with their teaching duties and student learning. Reminders will be sent out midweek for both
returning and new teachers to serve as a reminder in order to help get the best possible data
sample. During the 1st Quarter of the Semester, I will meet with the new teachers every 2 weeks
and interview them on their experience. I will also meet with my Assistant Site Supervisor every
other week during my planning period to share information and gain insight on the findings.
During the first phase of my research, no additional monies or materials other than paper, will be
needed to gather data. After determining the overall needs of the teachers, the findings will
determine the next phase of the improvement process.   
Manage Operations
            To lead operations of the project and set priorities, I will follow the action research plan
that has been devised and only deviate from the plan if the added information would be
beneficial to research. The vision of the research is the main focus of the plan and will determine
the steps taken in the research. Knowing that the quantitative data related to the needs assessment
will show a significant need for some type of change on campus in relation to new teacher
support, it will be used to determine the amount of improvement and change that will need to
take place. The data from the returning teachers, supporting research data, and weekly responses
and interviews from new teachers will be used to determine the most important areas of need in
relation to new teacher support.  Once the data from the teachers in analyzed steps will be taken
to devise a plan to make improvements. Once in place, the changes will be shared and the
improved program will be implemented.   
Respond to Community Interest and Needs
             We have all heard the saying or seen the poster that says, “teachers make the difference.”
We see segments on the news or read excerpts from a book telling the heart-felt story of how one
teacher made the difference in the life of one of their students. These stories prove that teachers
have a direct relationship to the success of their students. In order to help our teachers be
successful in teaching our students, we must give them the necessary tools and support they need
to be successful in their classrooms. The goal of the research project will be to determine how we
can effectively improve the support of teachers who are new on campus and meet their
immediate needs in order to help them meet the needs of their students.

Stansbury, K., & Zimmerman, J. (2000). Lifelines to the classroom: Designing support
for beginning teachers. West Ed. Retrieved from:

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Action Research Plan - Are Virtual School Course as Effective as the Traditional Classroom?

Virtual School Improvement
Goal: To provide a rigorous and effective curriculum similar to the regular classroom for students enrolled in the virtual school/ To provide the tools for high student achievement for all students enrolled in the virtual school
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Interview the academic counselors to gather more information about the students enrolled, how are students chosen for virtual school, etc.
Brooke Knight and Patty Carden
December 12, 2011 - December 16, 2011
journal to gather data, set up meeting time with group or each counselor
Collaborate with my site supervisor and assistant site supervisor on if there are more effective ways to select students for virtual school
Interview our virtual school facilitators – ask about concerns, ways they feel improvements can be made, etc.
Brooke Knight
December 12, 2011 - December 16, 2011
journal to gather data, set up meeting time to meet as a group with the facilitators or each facilitator separately
Collaborate and reflect with my site supervisor and assistant site supervisor on ways we can improve the virtual school program after interviewing the facilitators
Observe students during virtual school class session.
Brooke Knight
December 12 2011 – April 6, 2012 (ongoing through the end of 3rd Quarter)
journal to gather information and take notes, plan time slots to observe students during each class  
Reflect on common trends found among students
Interview at least 3 students enrolled in each virtual school course. Allow students to share about their experience, any concerns they may have, or how they would improve the course.
Brooke Knight
December 12 2011 – January 26, 2012 (end of 2rd Quarter)
journal to gather information and take notes, set up meeting times with selected  students
Reflect on common trends found among students. Collaborate with my supervisors about the concerns of students.
Survey all students enrolled in the virtual school coursework.
Brooke Knight and Holly Freeman
December 12 2011 – April 6, 2012 (end of 3rd Quarter)
SurveyMonkey, analysis software, and virtual school student email addresses
Collaborate with my site supervisor and assistant supervisor about students’ concerns and recommendations about virtual school and draw conclusions from the data. 
Survey all teachers and give them the opportunity to voice their opinions on ways to improve the use of virtual school.

Brooke Knight/Holly Freeman
January 29, 2012 – April 6, 2012 (end of 3rd Quarter)
SurveyMonkey, analysis software, and teachers’ email addresses
Collaborate with my site supervisor and assistant supervisor about teachers’ concerns and recommendations about virtual school and draw conclusions from the data. 
Survey parents of students enrolled in virtual school course.
Brooke Knight and Holly Freeman
January 29, 2012 – April 6, 2012 (end of 3rd Quarter)
SurveyMonkey, analysis software, and parents’ email addresses
Collaborate with my site supervisor and assistant supervisor about parents’ concerns and recommendations about virtual school and draw conclusions from the data. 
Look at the different courses offered through virtual school and compare the content to each course offered in the traditional class. Look for same standards and objectives being addressed and followed. How are labs, discussions, and hands-on application being addressed?
Brooke Knight
December 12 2011 – April 6, 2012 (end of 3rd Quarter)
virtual school courseware – login information
Use comparison data to draw conclusions on where improvements can be made. Use reflection and collaboration with my site supervisors to determine how we can make improvements based on the data.
Grade Comparison - Compare grades of students in the same virtual course. Look for common trends. Look at grades at the end of each quarter.
Brooke Knight and Holly Freeman
December 12 2011 – December 12 2011 - January 26, 2012 (end of 2nd Quarter) January 29, 2012 - April 6, 2012 (end of 3rd Quarter)
Aspen and Gradespeed software.
Use analysis software to create data comparisons that can be used to show need for improvement. Evaluate common trends found amongst the data. Collaborate with my site supervisors.
Grade Comparison – Compare the grades of students enrolled in virtual school to their own grades in non-virtual school classes. Look at grades at the end of each quarter.
Brooke Knight/Holly Freeman
December 12 2011 - January 26, 2012 (end of 2nd Quarter) January 29, 2012 - April 6, 2012 (end of 3rd Quarter)
Aspen, Gradespeed, and data analysis software
Use analysis software to create data comparisons that can be used to show need for improvement. Evaluate common trends found amongst the data. Collaborate with my site supervisors.
Grade Comparison – Compare the grades of students in virtual school to the grades of students in the same course offered outside of the virtual school. Look at the grades at the end of each quarter.
Brooke Knight and Holly Freeman
December 12 2011 - January 26, 2012 (end of 2nd Quarter) January 29, 2012 - April 6, 2012 (end of 3rd Quarter)
Aspen, Gradespeed, and data analysis software.
Use analysis software to create data comparisons that can be used to show need for improvement. Evaluate common trends found amongst the data. Collaborate with my site supervisors.
Look at the Virtual School components and software. Is it easy to follow? Are there ways to make it more student-friendly? 
Brooke Knight
December 12 2011 – April 6, 2012 (end of 3rd Quarter)
Virtual School courseware – login information
Reflect on ways the software can be improved. Use the findings from the surveys to draw conclusions and recommendations for improvement.
Benchmark Students in Virtual School and students enrolled in the traditional class. Determine if the necessary material was successfully covered and retained during the duration of the course.
Brooke Knight, Subject-Specific Teachers, and Virtual School Facilitators
April 1, 2012 – April 6, 2012 (end of 3rd Quarter)
Benchmark, Approval from teachers and facilitators to give benchmark during class time
Use analysis software to compare the grades. Look for trends and areas that are not addressed in either class. Collaborate with course-specific teachers on what is missing or not being covered properly.